Labor Rising Against Trump

For Teachers, Students, Workers and Community Members! We need FREE high quality education for ALL! We need to stop the privatization of our schools and fight for a public education system that meets the needs of working class people, people of color, immigrants, women, LGBTQ and differently abled people.


We're sharing our Contract Campaign Launch Issue, Newsletter #9, from November 2016. We're late in posting it but we wanted to make sure everyone could access it as much as ... Continue reading

EDU 2.0

Please be patient with us as we update our website. We will be adding various new sections as they are developed, including recap notes & analysis of UESF Executive Board and other committee meetings. In the meantime keep checking back to discover whats new. :) EDU General Meeting Thursday Feb.

Berkeley's Unequal Punishment of Teachers | East Bay Express

On December 12, 2012, Berkeley High School teacher Brian Crowell wrote to principal Pasquale Scuderi about a concern he and several colleagues had been discussing for years. He wanted to know why the ninth-grade history curriculum at Academic Choice, one of six educational programs at the high school, did not include an ethnic studies component.

Getting Rid of The Bad Teachers: Discrimination in Berkeley, CA A Guest Post by Masha Albrecht and Brian Crowell

Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) is a remedial program for teachers who receive an unsatisfactory performance review. The teacher participates in the program from 1-2 years. If the teacher has shown satisfactory improvement the teacher is exited out of the program.